now |
see my home page at University of Paderborn |
2011 |
in Managerial Economics |
Lecture and problem solving
class |
Economics Seminar |
Seminar |
2010 |
Microeconomics |
Lecture and problem solving class |
Game Theory |
Problem solving class |
2009 |
Microeconomics |
Lecture and problem
class |
III for Business Administrators |
and problem solving class |
Economics |
and problem solving class |
Analysis of Individual Decisions |
Seminar |
2008 |
Microeconomics |
Lecture and problem solving
class |
Empirical Analysis of
Incentives |
Seminar |
2007 |
Microeconometrics |
Lecture and
problem solving class |
Game Theory |
Problem solving
class for lecture by J. Oechssler |
2006 |
Microeconometrics |
Lecture and
problem solving class |
Principles of
Economics |
Problem solving
class for lecture by J. Oechssler |
2005 |
Microeconometrics |
Lecture and
problem solving class |
Principles of
Economics |
Problem solving
class for lecture by J. Oechssler |
2hr guest
lecture in a course by M.-C- Villeval at Lyon |
2004 |
Credit Market
Imperfections |
Supervision of
student groups in a practical by D. Sadowski and P. Windolf |
Personnel Economics |
Lecture and
problem solving classes |
Research Methods |
4hr workshop |
Linear models |
2hr guest
lecture for the German Department, Bristol
2003 |
Personnel Economics |
Two 2hr guest
lectures in a course by M. Halonen |
Introduction to
Statistics |
2hr guest
lecture for the German Department, Bristol |
and Information |
Problem solving
for lecture by C. Figuries |
1996 |
Time Series
Analysis |
Problem solving
class for
lecture by W. Urfer |